Industrial Conveyor Chains

Why Choose Silcoms for your Bakery Chain?

Silcoms Chain & Conveyor Systems have over 75 years experience in the manufacture of Industrial Chains, Sprockets, Shafts, and other machine components, which are used in many systems within the UK. The chain specification in terms of material types, heat treatments, breaking loads and tolerances are all stringently controlled.

Quick Turnaround

From our vast experience we understand the costs involved if production stops for even the smallest amount of time and this is why we work closely with our customers to ensure the agreed manufacturing turnaround is maintained in terms of delivery to ensure minimum downtime. This necessitates a must do attitude in parts being completed correct to tolerance and schedule. It is with this in mind that Silcoms has been able to cement a reputation second to none.

Working With Companies Large and Small

With almost half a century of experience we have worked with a wide range of companies in many different industrial sectors both large and small. This has enabled a great library of internal knowledge within our business expertise, which can only assist in ensuring the correct solution is found for our customer’s requirements.

Service and Maintenance

We continue to have long term relationships with many of our customers. However nothing is taken for granted. We undertake regular customer surveys which ask for feedback against a variance of important customer service requirements. Whilst in general the feed back has been extremely positive, we do from time to time receive information helping us to further enhance our customer service. We understand the relationship with our customers is always only as good as the last job undertaken, hence nothing is taken for granted.
If we haven’t already supplied you with industrial chains, sprockets, shafts and general machined components, please do not hesitate to contact one of our friendly team who can discuss your requirements by telephone or by visiting your premises to hopefully provide answers to your enquiry.

Free Of Charge Survey

If you need industrial chains, sprockets, shafts or general machined components, why not call one of our friendly team on 01204 466 070 to discuss your enquiry. We are happy to take information by telephone, or e mail. However should you require our expertise to visit your premises to undertake a survey of existing equipment, please do not hesitate to ask. This service/survey is “Free of Charge”.

Alternatively if you are an OEM looking at new design, we can also work closely with you, enabling you to take full advantage of our vast experience in conveyor chains, sprockets and shafts gained within many industry sectors. On completion of the survey we provide an inspection report confirming chain, sprockets, and shaft condition.

Contact Us with Your Industrial Chain Needs

We are passionate about business and will always do our upmost to ensure customer satisfaction. We are always here to help, so why not complete our contact form or call us on 01204 466 070.